ways to get involved...
Join Us! Membership
Everyone is welcome to join us. Simchat HaLev members represent the true diversity of Long Island Jews. Some of our congregants identify themselves as Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Renewal, Secular, some "just" Jewish and others "not technically" Jewish. There are families with school-aged children, with young children, children in college, adult children and families without children. We have members who are single, partnered, married, divorced, engaged, looking for a relationship or single by choice. Members and visitors are embraced regardless of their constellation, gender, orientation, political view, religion or level of observance. As an inclusive congregation, women and men are equal in all aspects of congregational life.
Help Us! Volunteer
Simchat HaLev congregants care about each other, the community, and our world. Join us. Volunteer with us. Help us with the kindness of your heart, and the generosity of your time.,As a synagogue it is our mission to support one another as we face life's challenges, and to celebrate with each other the joyous moments of life. As a community of faith, we also reach out to help our neighbors as we have been taught in our Torah. Through prayer, volunteering, spreading love, compassion and peace, smiles and hugs, and in the fight for social justice, we show G-d we understand what it means to be a community that cares. We also need volunteers to welcome visitors at services, help us with recruiting new members, help us with social media, photographing events and other tasks that will support the Simchat HaLev culture and enhance the Simchat HaLev experience.
Support Us! Donate
We are presently asking for your financial support in helping us provide a Judaism fueled by LOVE!
For those wishing to donate to one of our funds, the following are various funds that have been set up.
Kiddush/Oneg fund: ($150 sponsor for each service.)
Ritual Items: ($50 donation for each Siddur (prayer book),
Torah commentary or Tallit (prayer shawl) purchased to be used by the congregation.)
Rabbis Discretionary fund: This fund allows the Rabbis to use their rabbinic judgment to assist a member, a community organization or cause as needed. The Rabbis fund can also be used to augment non-budgeted learning, rabbinic professional fees, consultants, books, DVDs, and other supplies, ritual items, or equipment used by the Rabbis in performing congregational duties. In the past, funds have been also used to help congregational families and others in the community at large. (Any amount can be donated to this fund.)
Operating Expense fund: This fund allows us to augment operating expenses not covered by membership and Hebrew school fees. These include repairs to the synagogue, one time equipment purchases and other bills that are necessary to maintain the congregation. (Any amount can be donated to this fund.)
Member Outreach fund: This fund helps bring joy and support to members of the Simchat HaLev community in times of need, crisis, and illness. Funds are used to welcome new members, and to offer a bit of extra gladness during birth, B-Mitzvah, marriage, etc. (Any amount can be donated to this fund. Specific underwriting sponsorships are also available.)
Member and Community Awareness fund: This fund helps to underwrite the cost of producing and maintaining our newsletter, website, social media interfaces, flyers, press and media relations and documentation of synagogue journey. (Any amount can be donated to this fund.)